Необходимая информацияРазмещениеМедицинский и оздоровительный туризм ПитаниеВинный и агротуризм Туристические фирмы и организацииРазвлеченияДеловой туризмРегиональное самоуправление
International Center for Caucasus Tourism
Категория: Туризм и неправительственные организации
Район: Тбилиси
Адрес: 7, Murman Lebanidze str. 0119,Tbilisi, Georgia
Телефон: +995 99 50 23 36
International Center for Caucasus Tourism (ICCT) is a non-profit, non-governmental
organization, founded in April, 2007 focusing on:
Collaborative relationships and projects’ joint implementation with like-minded organizations worldwide.
Popularization of Contemporary Standards of Hospitality among Georgia / SouthCaucasian population for their further involvement in the tourism industry.
Poverty elimination through the capacity building of rural population for their further
involvement in the tourism industry based upon contemporary methodology and models
of country hospitality standards.
Since Aug.2007 ICCT is a member of Rural Tourism International – Training Network (RTI-TN) and is authorized to conduct RT training courses. See www.ruraltourisminternational.org .Since Oct.2007, ICCT is a Partner of Kutaisi- Newport (UK) International Association (KNIA) - See www.knia.ge. The Director of ICCT is also the head of the tourism department of KNIA.
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